Workshop Advisors

Dr Gavin Chang


I am Dr. Gavin Chang. Based on the purpose of contributing and serving the community, along with the original intention of fostering the next generation, I cherish this opportunity to share this historical heritage and cultural treasures with you, so as to prosper our community and promote this cultural wealth to the whole world.



My name is Aofeng Bai. I majored in Physics and Russian language at Kenyon College and I am going to study Applied Physics at Yale University. I have always been interested in classical Chinese culture. The classical Chinese civilization culminated several times in history and granted us with abundant cultural legacy that doesn’t only belong to the Chinese nation but also belongs to the world. I am very happy to be able to explore the ancient wisdoms with you. I hope that we will all love it more and more as we dig into it.

Angela Zheng Pic


My name is Angela Zheng, and I am a senior linguistics major at UCLA. I have studied four, soon to be five, different languages, and I have learned that  communication, relationship-building, and life itself involve  much  more than just words and  grammar. Language and culture are vessels of knowledge and wisdom, and I am glad to have the chance to both  learn and teach along with  all the students here.